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LinuxForce, Inc. Latest News -- 16 August 2001

For Immediate Release

Date: 16 August 2001
Contact: Craig Chapman
Phone: 303 544 0300

AdminForce Remote LLC announces the release of its new web-site/server remote monitor.

Boulder, Colorado — August 16, 2001 —  AdminForce Remote Monitor is a new Linux product developed to provide IT managers with a broader dimension of in-depth information for more effective operation of their web site, network, and related applications.

Announcement of the new product is the latest element in the suite of remote management tools developed by AdminForce Remote LLC. It has been designed to meet the challenge of Linux expansion as the operating system of choice in a growing number of enterprise business and institutional servers.

Chris Fearnley, president and CTO of AdminForce said "the reports provided by AdminForce Remote Monitor are automated with a complete range of critical reports given to a client at regular intervals".

"The AdminForce suite of remote management tools include three powerful, sophisticated tools that will provide Linux powered operations with analytic capabilities which were not previously available," Fearnley said.

  1. AdminForce Remote Monitor:
    • This is an automatic alert mechanism to warn of potential problems with server operations. Information is delivered to a client IT department via e-mail and via a password protected web site.
    • With the careful use of AdminForce Remote Monitor, the down time cost of IT trouble shooting will be dramatically reduced. Web site speed and accuracy questions are clearly answered and directional information lessens the IT dollars spent searching for answers.
  2. AdminForce Powerwall:
    • Current firewall protection is costly and too often provides only a time-sensitive period of protection. In its purchase price AdminForce Powerwall includes an automatic monitoring and upgrade package.
    • Linux has not been troubled as yet with viruses as have other operating systems and their related applications. In fact, the recent Code Red "worm" did not affect Linux anywhere in the world.
    • Frequent virus alerts can be costly and raise client fears for those engaged in e-business, but the activities of "crackers" seeking to break into proprietary information of companies pose a potentially greater threat to a business. Since "crackers" keep developing new ways to attack, AdminForce Powerwall is continually upgraded to meet their threats.
    • AdminForce Powerwall is available at several price points which are geared to the individual levels of corporate network and e-commerce protection required. In every case, AdminForce Powerwall can provide a superior level of protection at greater savings when a price comparison is done with competitor products.
  3. AdminForce Remote Maintenance Service:
    • This service can be used in many instances to reduce on-site IT personnel costs that are dedicated to fixing operational problems. The combination of Linux as an operating system and AdminForce Remote personnel monitoring network operations can release IT staff to more profitable development activities. Such an option is more effective than dedicating time to routine maintenance and fixes that can more easily be performed by AdminForce Remote staff. This was the first AdminForce service system developed and has proved to be a significant cost-cutting tool.

"Contributing to the importance of the release of the new AdminForce package is its overall economic impact," Fearnley said.

The AdminForce products have been designed to provide significant operational savings to those IT departments who may be investigating Linux as a tool in future computing operations. Additional savings can be realized since the acquisition cost is significantly less than competing products.

AdminForce Remote LLC is an affiliate of LinuxForce Inc.  LinuxForce is the leading Linux consulting firm that has been deeply involved in migrating networking operations to Linux for nearly a decade. The experience of LinuxForce has identified the issues which need to be resolved at the executive management level of major corporations.

It has been the view of LinuxForce that economic commitment to outdated operating systems and security issues have been constantly raised as impediments to a change to Linux.

Fearnley said that "the growing body of industry experience with the savings found in computing operations using Linux is rapidly overcoming these areas of concern".

AdminForce Remote LLC was established to develop products and proceedures that will enable IT departments to make a seamless and economic change to the Linux operating system.

About LinuxForce Inc.
LinuxForce provides a focal point for Linux® service and support to the institutional, professional services, corporate, and academic communities. LinuxForce offers a broad range of assessment, custom programming and product development services. LinuxForce offers technical support, consulting services, education, product services, and open source development services. It utilizes in-house technicians, a network of associates, specialists, and the web community. LinuxForce is headquartered in Philadelphia with offices in Irvine, CA and Boulder, CO. For more information about LinuxForce refer to or call the corporate offices at 1-610-734-1900.

About AdminForce Remote LLC
AdminForce Remote LLC is a professional services company with a focus on delivering outsourced Internet systems administration services. AdminForce Remote delivers the AdminForce Remote family of service products to clients providing the advanced, automated, administration service that they depend upon for their business operations. AdminForce Remote provides automated server monitoring, reporting and upgrading while significantly decreasing operating costs for client information systems departments. AdminForce Remote is an affiliate of LinuxForce, Inc. The two companies combine complementary skill sets to deliver outstanding service to their customers. Our complete, professional, team approach to systems management is based on a customer value orientation which ensures that you will get the service you require. We strive to exceed customer expectations and meet all of your needs. For more information about AdminForce Remote refer to or call our corporate offices at 1-610-734-1900.

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