Saturday, 14 September 2024
From working with the major Linux distributions (software built around
the Linux kernel to ease installation, administration, and use) over the
years, LinuxForce learned that not all of them are as open, flexible,
functional, secure and easy to maintain as they would have you believe.
Debian GNU/Linux, however, is in a class of its own.
Debian is the most stable and popular non-commercial Linux
distribution. It is maintained by a global community of over 1,200
registered developers dedicated to improving and enhancing its
functionality. As a result, new versions of Debian are released only
when they are ready. Compare that to commercial operating systems like
Windows, which release new versions, ready or not, to ensure an ongoing
revenue stream. Debian, on the other hand is free. Period.
The package management tools in Debian are so well-developed that even
commercial Linux distributions such as Red Hat have implemented Debian's
technology to handle their packages. Debian's base has been adapted by
other distributions such as the popular LiveCD
Knoppix, the commercial
Linspire for
desktop users, and the very popular non-commercial
Ubuntu for desktop users.
Debian is an innovation leader that has already spawned a generation of
other innovative distributions.
Debian itself has been available since 1993. LinuxForce has been
developing Debian-based systems since 1996.
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Additional reasons to choose Debian include:
- Easy upgrades
- Inclusion of more than 25,113 integrated software packages
- Rock-solid stability, there is no need to reboot for standard updates or
- Superior system security
- Proven reliability in real world situations by thousands of demanding
commercial, industrial, academic and non-profit organizations around
the globe
- The most carefully thought out policy of any computing platform
- Provides significant consistency among packages
- Requires separation of configuration, code, and data
- Packaging modularity requirements allow for a smaller footprint
- Consistent help interface: Man pages are required, info(1) is optional
- Institutionalizes the value of working to support 100% of users
without disadvantaging any type of user
- Default configurations should work for most users without
- Much, much more!
- Relatively straightforward configuration and upgradeability
- Source code availability to help us find bugs, fix security flaws without
waiting for patches, and customize features to better meet your
business objectives
- Support by a community that includes over 1,200 registered developers
- The
most cosmopolitan Linux distribution with large installed bases in
every region on SpaceShip Earth making it uniquely positioned to benefit
from the growing trends of globalization
- Supported by a guiding vision in its
Social Contract and Software
Guidelines that will ensure a dedicated army of people from all around
the globe to keep Debian improving on a sustainable basis
- Democratic governance structure that helps ensure success moving
- The best bug tracking system of any
Linux distribution to rout out bugs and misfeatures.
- Like the Linux kernel, Debian developed as the spontaneously
collaborative initiative of hundreds and eventually thousands of
individuals. Phenomena that spontaneously organize have a primacy in
their constitution that is rare, special, long-lived and fundamentally
re-orienting for society and markets (as Woodrow Wilson observed, "the
highest and best form of efficiency is the spontaneous cooperation
of a free people")
- The synergetic effect of these advantages is that our Debian-focused
development is less expensive and more robust than if we based our software on
other Linux distributions
- More advantages are discussed in the Debian
Advantages HOWTO.
- Manoj
Srivastava's Talk Why Linux? Why Debian?
thoughtfully addresses even more considerations
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Debian Projects Targeting Important Market Segments
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Other Companies and Organizations Worldwide Who Choose Debian
- The Franklin Institute Science Museum
- Aker Philadelphia Shipyard
- The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA
- Charter High School for Architecture and Design of Philadelphia
- The Constitutional Foundation, Philadelphia, PA
- Chester County InterLink (CCIL), West Chester, PA
- Cyber Incident Detection & Data Analysis Center
- Greenfield Manufacturing Co. Inc.
- Artificial Intelligence Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Doshisha University, Japan
- Greenpeace Spain
- T-Mobile in the Czech Republic
- The Register, UK
...and many more on the official page at
Who's using Debian?
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